
These short stories are stand alone and can be read in any order. But if you're new to Selunia Falls, we suggest starting with Outsiders.



Sadie was wiping down some of the tables in Anna’s Cafe, cleaning up after the lunch shift, when the stranger first walked in. “Sit anywhere you like,” she said. He chose a stool at the counter, the one furthest from all the other tables.


A Little Renaissance Music

Audrey pulled the car up to Josh’s house and parked it on the side of the street. The door to the garage was already open. Inside, Josh was setting up his guitar and plugging in his amps. Audrey carried her electric keyboard from her car into the garage and placed it on the stand, in […]


A World Away

The store was a lot less interesting than Sadie had expected. When Rainbow told her that he needed to stop by the Karazai store before trivia night, Sadie had asked to join him. She was kind of regretting that decision now. She thought Karazai tech would be more unique, but none of it looked that […]



Reena glanced at her rearview mirror, watching as Malina’s shrinking figure turned toward a bench, her friend’s shoulders hunched in a defeated fashion. She tightened her grip on her steering wheel and pressed down on the gas a little harder, trying to shove away the helplessness she felt in reuniting Malina with her family across […]



When David was summoned by Arden, the head of lab security, to the lab a couple of hours before midnight, he knew there must have been another accident. Sometimes it felt like the lab was one experiment away from disaster. Even at this late hour, some of the scientists were still working in the lab, […]


Messages to the Abyss

The passage of time flows differently in this strange place. Humans are always in a hurry, shuffling from one task to another. I feel time slip through my fingers every time this strange sun sets and you’re not by my side. Miss you more than you know. Malina clicked the pause button, silence filling the […]


The Secrets We Keep

Randall finally found Brynn in the main cafeteria. He had stopped by her office quite a bit in the last few days, but either the office had been empty, or she had been in a meeting or on a call. It shouldn’t be this hard to find your girlfriend, Randall thought. Brynn was standing just […]


The List

“You’re breaking up with me?” Victoria shut her eyes, her croaked voice from her memory echoing inside her head. Maybe this time, when she opens her eyes, Donna will be there, standing in front of her with a crooked smile and torn up jeans and vintage rock band shirt. Victoria opened her eyes.  No one. […]



Sadie balanced on the stool, aligning the wires that connected the giant bat decoration to the ceiling. After it faced out towards the door, she hopped back down, almost tripping over the tail of her cat costume. It was early in the evening on Halloween and Sadie was fixing up some of the decorations in […]



“Trick or treat!” The man at the house’s threshold flicked his eyes between Harley and Winter as they towered over him in matching but ill-fitted pirate costumes. Children peered from behind the two to gawk at the candies that the man dropped into pumpkin-shaped buckets. Back on the dimly lit street, Harley pulled up her […]


One in a Hundred

Kel brought up the map of the office building on his phone, then compared his location again to the floor plan. The printer should have been here. But instead of finding it, he found a vending machine full of candy and other snacks. He hadn’t made any wrong turns – or so he thought – but when he stepped back out of the storage room and turned the corner, all four directions looked the same to him. Just uniform hallways lined with drab carpeting, the doors to one office after another lining the hall.